Curriculum Coherence Institutes
During 2008-2009 PROM/SE will hold a series of institutes to help Michigan and Ohio districts develop a challenging and clearly articulated sequence of mathematical concepts within and across grades. A PROM/SE principle is that curriculum coherence matters in student achievement, but throughout our work with PROM/SE districts and Associates, signs of a lack of curriculum coherence have emerged. These issues are discussed at the institutes and districts are provided the opportunity and tools to analyze their own mathematics curriculum for coherence.The institutes consider why the following questions matter for student achievement and curriculum coherence, and discuss how districts can address them:
- Does the mathematics that is taught in each grade have a clear focus on a limited number of topics?
- What ongoing system is in place for ensuring a coherent transition in the mathematics that is taught within grades, from grade to grade, and building to building?
- Are supplemental instructional materials chosen by teachers contributing to a lack of coherence?
- Does your curriculum provide opportunities for all students to do challenging mathematics?